Your mindset is holding you back
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One of the biggest reasons why you seem to get lackluster results or get completely stuck with a goal could be your state of mind. You have probably heard a few inspirational YouTube videos on mindset but I am not going to give you that today.
What I will tell you are my observations of many clients and my own behavior and epiphany's on them. I will start by saying no one is perfect and you don't need to be, but here is where your mindset comes into play.
When we set a goal for ourselves we often play a grandiose scenario in our heads and picture how perfect everything is when we achieve it. Having vision is great, but you have to understand that any goal worth achieving is going to take commitment, and often times our commitment is in a battle with our minds.
Many of us KNOW what we have to do but to execute action it requires the mind to commit. The mind often wants to take the easy way out, that isn't your fault, it is through survival mechanisms in our DNA that has lead us down that path. The easiest path is often the path towards failure, because the easiest path doesn't challenge us, and what doesn't challenge us will not give us growth, progress and ultimately our goals.
When you want to lose body-fat the mind is always thinking about food, how hungry you are, rationalizing that you are starving yourself and continuing down this path is not going to be healthy. When in actual fact if you have excess body-fat, "starving yourself" is one of the only ways you can get the body to tap into its fat stores and that having excess body-fat is more detrimental to your health than a few hours without food, or a smaller quantity on your plate than what you're used to.
Winter is when most people rationalize to themselves that they need more sleep or it is too cold to get out of bed to train. These are all excuses of the mind, and the mind will always want to take the easier path. Until the state that you're in is more dreadful than the path you need to take you will not fully commit. That is why you hear such inspirational stories of rags to riches or from fat to fit and tales that defy all odds. These stories are merely the mind taking the easier path, but to us it is inspirational, which no doubt they are and we can learn something valuable from that.
Unfortunately or fortunately we live lives that are in the middle of prosperity and total destruction, so you rarely get that push of enough is enough. It is only when you have a health scare that you start doing something whole heartedly about your health. If you want to achieve anything that you have set for yourself, you must commit fully, there is no other way. You must know the truth, the road to success is going to be hard, but have patience. When you do come across small wins along the way your mind works in your favor.
The positive reinforcement you get from a small success is just as powerful as being backed into a corner. There are only two things you must know, you're either not in enough pain or you don't hunger for it enough.